We’re following up on a recently published post in which we took a quick look at the CDC moratorium on evictions several days before the moratorium took effect. Numerous reports indicate that many tenants are not receiving the protection from eviction that the moratorium intended. The reason? A lack of knowledge about what they are required to do in order to take advantage of the protection. Read on for more information about how to make sure you know what to do if you or a loved one find yourselves in this unfortunate situation.

Based on what we have been reading and hearing from tenants, the short-term impact of the CDC moratorium on evictions is a mixed bag. Bloomberg City Lab reporting on data tracking by Princeton University’s Eviction Lab tells its readers that

“New filings did drop in all sites, in some cases dramatically,” says Peter Hepburn, assistant professor of sociology at Rutgers University-Newark and a research fellow at Eviction Lab, in an email. “With that being said, we’re still seeing a larger number of new filings in several cities. So clearly some effects of the guidelines are being felt, but there’s also significant variation in how they’re being implemented, which is leaving a large number of families potentially unprotected.”

The full Bloomberg City Lab article, which has a good deal of interesting insight,  can be read or listened to by going  here https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-16/eviction-filings-fall-in-many-cities-after-cdc-ban.

According to recent reporting from National Public Radio, there are lots of tenants who are still being evicted despite the nationwide CDC moratorium on evictions. According to NPR, for many Houston, Texas tenants who recently found themselves in eviction court after the CDC moratorium on evictions went into effect, it was business as usual and tenants were still being evicted.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced a new eviction moratorium. The ban is nationwide — but it’s not automatic. And many renters facing eviction still don’t know about the ban or understand the rules or their rights.

‘In order for tenants to be covered, they have to send a written declaration to the landlord,’ says Velimir Rasic, an attorney with Lone Star Legal Aid who is representing the Bumpus family.

Tenants have to swear that, among other things, they have no options besides being homeless or moving in with other people in close quarters.”

As the NPR article explains, one of the reasons that many tenants are not receiving protection from eviction as provided by the CDC moratorium on evictions is because a lot of tenants are not fully aware of the rights the eviction moratorium affords them and do not understand that the protection is not automatic. The NPR reporting can be listened to here https://www.npr.org/2020/09/14/911939055/despite-a-new-federal-ban-many-renters-are-still-getting-evicted?fbclid=IwAR29ge1cJLDi8C84Qqcy_NQ_iiDSnnnqo3pqqJqE4FzqPp4iw1SdsbhLQjY). It’s well worth the six minutes it takes to listen as it really drives home how important it is to understand your rights as a tenant. In the case of the CDC moratorium on evictions, it really could be the difference between being housed with a roof over your head and being homeless.

In the event that you missed the earlier post we did on the CDC moratorium on evictions, you can find it here  https://protenantagency.fairness4tenants.com/eviction/cdc-eviction-moratorium-what-you-need-to-know/. If you or anyone you know finds that you are facing eviction because of Covid-caused or related financial difficulties, remember that you – and every person listed on your lease who is over the age of 18 – must complete a declaration and return it to your landlord. We recommend that you email the declaration and also send it by certified mail. If you need additional help, go here   https://michiganlegalhelp.org/self-help-tools/eviction-during-covid-19-pandemic/do-it-yourself-cdc-eviction-moratorium-declaration-form to find an online tool that can help you determine your eligibilty under the CDC moratorium on evictions and help you to complete the declaration form.